I have a question
....is it normal to not want to make the same type of soap more than once? Surely it can't be good for business. What do I tell my customers when they're looking for that ONE bar that they've fallen in love with? Ah - sorry, that one's boring so I won't be making it again, but here's something else you might like to try ONCE!
Maybe I need counselling......
Maybe I need counselling......
How about adding to your soap descriptions..."exclusive" or "limited edition scent" so they'll know to buy more. Or you could always make double the amount in one sitting and then never go back. :)
Thanks :)
Of course this is only an idea!!!
You are doing a great job!!! cumming up with great "flavors" specially with all those newly purchased oils. Let's see what you will come up with next...LOL All your flavors sound delicious. I wish we had smellsites...HUMMMMM!!!!that's a thought!