Are babies in my future?

So I just found out yesterday that my boss is expecting a little one next Spring. Very exciting news for her and her family! I must admit the thought did race across my mind as to whether this would be a good time to come up with a mommies/babies line of products. When I say the thought raced through my mind, I mean it literally jumped in and jumped right back out. Strangely though said thought has somehow continuously popped it's cutesy face into my head every minute of the day today. if I really need another project!!! Best get my handy dandy ideas notebook out :)


Kellybot said…
If you did come up with a baby line, at least you'd have something cool to give at baby showers. Come to think of it... lots of people by baby stuff. Sounds like a good idea to me, and I don't even like babies.
marsha said…
i think that's a very cool idea ... think of it as a business expansion which will appeal to many MANY mommas!

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