OK, so I'm participating in this craft fair this coming Saturday in The Hamptons. It's a big one for me (first time using my tent). Anywhooo, I've been preparing for this event for ever! Tonight I decided to look over the information regarding the event that I received in the mail just to make sure that I'm not missing anything.
To my shock and horror, this is what item 6 read: Food for purchase and portable sanitary facilities will be available on the Fair premises.
Portable sanitary facilities???? There are 2 things that I absolutely refuse to do -
1) use the toilet on an airplane (yes that includes my million flights to London from NYC)
2) use portable freakin' toilets.
I just can't do it. I'll be skeeved and uncomfortable for the rest of the day. Even when I worked in construction, there was one job that I refused to work on because there was no inside toilet. How can I possibly eat anything after using one of those things?
Words of encouragement are needed here folks. Somebody PLEASE calm me down!!!!
Words of wisdom or encouragement? Dehydrate and starve yourself. If nothing goes in, nothing comes out.
Bring a spray bottle and squirt it in your mouth every so often so you don't die.
Or skip the fair.
Or imagine you are donating to the toilet gods.
Think about it -
I really know what you mean, today i will be having this same shocking experience.
So i hope things worked out well for you and sending you kindest regards from the Netherlands
Gioia Made Soap
Yeah I was pretty shocked as well.
And when I wanted to use the bathroom (the decent toilet of the restaurant) I was refused entrance, because I am not a Holiday Camper or customer (?). I was send to one of these awful portable loos, and that was enough for me to leave the fair!
By the way :I´m seven month pregnant (quite obvious)