How could I have forgotten? great it feels to walk on the beach first thing in the morning?

This beach is actually at the end of my street and I wouldn't be lying if I told you this morning was the 1st time I've been here in almost 2 years! Isn't that sad?

This morning my sister called while I was in the middle of making product for a show tomorrow and asked me if I wanted to go walking at the beach. I hemmed and hawed for a bit before deciding to cease what I was doing and go take a stroll. I'm so glad I did because it brought back pre-etsy day memories of going to the beach every morning before work and on the weekends.

What a great way to start the weekend eh? I think I'll start doing that again........who knows, maybe I'll lose a few pounds too :-)

psst...see that lighthouse in the background? that was my own little renovation project when I was in construction. I see the anti-graffiti paint is still holding up after all these years!!


dcyrill said…
I went to the beach for the 4th of July weekend. I will tell you there is nothing more relaxing than walking on the beach and letting that salt water hit you. So glad you made the choice to go walking with your sister. Its that little motivation we need to get moving.
I envy you so much.what a wonderful thing to have so close/
Ah! Just returned from the beach myself!
Your soap looks amazing!
Anonymous said…
I loooooove the beach. :) I just returned from a lovely week in Maine where you could hardly get me out of the water. Whether it's a lake, an ocean, or a river I always feel more grounded when I am near the water.
Anhoki's Place said…
What a beautiful and tranquil photograph.
Isn't it funny..When we have the beauty around us, we are sometimes very lax..I lived on Long Island.
Water all around me, across the street too..Have to admit, I miss where I was born and things I took for granted.
Unknown said…
Wow - what a beautiful spot to live so nearby! I totally understand when you say you haven't been there in forever though - weère the exact same about the lakeshore at the bottom of our street... though it is no where near as nice as your beach!
Anonymous said…
Oh. My. Gosh.!!!!!

You live that close to the ocean and you don't go visit???

Isn't that the idea of living there???

I can visit for you if you like.

I ♥ the beach. It's so peaceful.

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers love... or... errr... the fresh air.

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