Japanese anyone?

I have to say it was fabulous visiting Kinokinuya! This book store is beautiful. Totally immaculate, well organized and very peaceful. The craft section is on the lower level which is where I spent most of my time. All the books in the craft section were just amazing. I browsed through many and could not believe the amazing things that one can learn to make. You could learn how to make the most amazing fake food, knitted garments and toys, handbags, underwear and even shoes!

I really wanted to take photos of the inside of the store but didn't want to get in trouble so I refrained. I only managed to take a couple of pics outside. It's not easy taking pics on the streets in NYC. There are so many people whizzing by you all the time it's almost impossible to get a clear shot of anything.
All in all, our Kinokinuya experience rates a 10/10. My only negative would be that there were no chairs to sit on in the store but I improvised by sitting on the floor. I'm thinking they frown upon people reading the books before purchasing maybe? I would absolutely do it again but first I must either learn to read Japanese or find myself a translator!!
Here are a few pics but I will take more of the inside pages of the books soon.

I can't read Japanese beyond a handful of characters, but I can provide the Amazon Japan page for this book, with Google translation into (rough) English:
By the way, if you want to search on Amazon Japan for other soap-related books, the katakana characters for "soap" are:
(Hope you can see these characters all right!)
And I just realized that this may not be THE most welcome news, when you were thinking that these were special Japanese recipes :-(
Still, if you spot any that look really delicious, maybe you can check out the English-language original for the details. Might be easier than hunting for a personal translator!
I'm off to Amazon Japan now..... :)
Now - I wonder if I offended anyone when I sat on the floor of that store. YIKES!!
At least I'll know for next time. It makes it tough though since there are so many great books you can't help but browse through them - not necessarily to read and not buy but more to make sure you get the books that will benefit you the most.
I still love that store and will definately be going back (hopefully several more times :)
They also have stores in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia, where I'll bet the local customers do equally interesting things.
Something this small is NOT going to shock 'em.
P.S. Here are the links for their e-commerce site, which I just discovered - yay!:
http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/indexohb.cgi?AREA=02 (West Coast)
http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/indexohb.cgi?AREA=03 (New York)
A few years ago I started learning Japanese only because I wanted to be able to read those wonderful books!