Return of the Mojo
Here is the 2nd batch of soaps I made this past weekend after the return of my mojo. As you can see they're not nearly as interesting looking as the 1st batch but they're still exciting!
I did plan to take photos of them as whole logs to post here but impatience got the better of me and I sliced 'em all up before you could say "say cheese".
The brown bar in front is my usual ChocoTherapy. I haven't made this one in a while and was well overdue.
The 2nd bar with confetti-like topping is still unnamed. The scent is like a vintage perfume (very girly). It's expected to get much darker than it is currently and should end up being a deep chocolate brown. Oh and there's gold mica in it so it will shimmer and look quite glamorous when wet.
The 3rd bar smells exactly like Johnsons baby powder. I LOVE it. This fragrance usually turns soap a tan color but I've combatted that with a little titanium dioxide and pink coloring.
The 4th bar is to die for - it's Green Tea. The scent is so subtle, soft and deliciously sweet.
Since we're entering warmer and more humid weather, I decided to leave these batches in the oven a little longer than I usually do just to cook off more of the lye and water in them. I also added sodium lactacte to each batch for harder bars. These should be fully cured & hardened within the next few weeks and I can't wait!