I Don't Care What They Say About You Martha!

I personally have nothing but the utmost respect for you.

I saw you in action yesterday in NYC. I woke up at the crack of dawn, jumped on a train and headed to the city where I met up with 6 other lovely ladies so we could come watch your show live and in person.

I had no idea what to expect. I can't say I was even a fan of yours before yesterday. That said, the entire experience was splendid. Not only was it interesting but we had loads of fun, we learned a lot, left with free goodies and best of all an invitation to return in March during Craft Week.

See you in March Martha and in the mean time, keep up the good work!


I love Martha too. She is the ultimate domestic goddess, and an inspiration to women that a career can be made on doing the things that you love.

Rock on Stewart.
Sherrie said…
Awesome! I am so envious that you got to see the show. :)

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