No autographs please

Check out this video of me at the BUST Craftacular. Here's to hoping that Rachael likes her Beer Soap & Chocolate Cake Lip Balm


Waterrose said…
Thanks for sharing the video...and so good to see you!
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing!! That was fun to watch... lots of Etsy sellers I'm familiar with! Nice to see you in 'person' :)
Morgan Street said…
Thanks guys! It was unreal. I felt like I was dreaming and kept stumbling over my words. LOL
Pili said…
Wooohoooo!! Big thumbs up Sharon!
You did great for being such an improptu thing!
aaaah! there you bloomin' well are!
so nice to put a face to the twit rants...
well done x x x x
Morgan Street said…
Wish I'd have known I might have thrown on some make up or SOMETHING. My mother taught me better & she's prolly rolling in her grave right now!
Well, well, we finally see the face behind the brand! Great feature, and I love your accent:)
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing, you look fab and having a great time. Great to put a face to the name. Cheers Sharon
magnifique said…
Finally a face to go with the soap, you did great!
Ola Silvera said…
How wonderful - I actually came to visit your blog through that post. Lovely soaps!
dcyrill said…
Ok how did I miss this post. You were fabulous. So nice to see the face behind the company. My SheRo :)

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